Kail international love heart loft final competition (Team Youth) collected 5397 pigeons and held a big competition at the same time on November 28 2019
As the last blog, Kail international love heart loft final competition (Team Youth) collected 5397 pigeons and held a big competition at the same time on November 28 2019, Team Youth got 2787 GPS ring data. They also have a similar flying path, it started from Shenyang city and flew through to Tangshan city. The whole distance is 530Km as well.
Especial the 601 places which flew in a good direction, performanced stably, and the tracked path was quite similar with the champion. As you see on the map, he spent so much time taking a rest and missed a good place.
Compared to the top 10 tracked paths were almost the same, the 4th place which flew a little bit longer distances than others as the paths, you could speculate he was more strong and with good flying skill than others.
On these paths, you could see the 1/100th places/200th places/300th places/400th places/500th places/600th places they were taking a very good direction and distancing. It was such a competitive game.
More tracked paths are coming below..

本次比賽吉翔樂準備了4站集鴿窗口,2019/11/24 08:00~17:00完成集鴿5379羽,2019/11/25 完成驗鴿前600名,2019/11/28止已讀取2787顆,吉翔樂GPS軌跡追踪器讀取良率高達99.92%。
證明開爾國際賽鴿愛心公棚工作人員經驗豐富,且全面落實防弊工作,使得2019“決賽” 530公里賽事圓滿成功!

